Forgiving Power Through Prayer

Tuesday May 7, 2024
Forgiving power through prayer.  Despite all of the wickedness that Israel had done, and despite their straying away from God, it is amazing to me that would even want them to return to Him, but He does!  God is disciplining them and showing them the error of their ways, but Israel is not responding appropriately.  What is missing?  They are not praying!  We read, “All of them are as hot as an oven, and they consume their rulers.  All their kings fall; not one of them calls on me” (Hosea 7:7).  W read further, “Israel’s arrogance testifies against them, yet they do not return to the Lord their God, and for all this, they do not seek Him” (v.10).  Lastly, we see the passage that describes both God’s desire and Israel’s failure in responding: “Woe to them, for they fled from me, destruction to them, for they rebelled against me!  Though I want to redeem them, they speak lies against me.  They do not cry to me from their hearts; rather, they wail on their beds” (v.13-14).  No matter how far we have fallen, we must remember to call upon the Lord.  Sin brings about sorrow and shame, but is it a worldly sorrow or a godly sorrow? (2 Corinthians 7:9-11)  Godly sorrow is one that leads us to repentance, calling upon God from our hearts.

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