Applying Wisdom

Friday June 7, 2024
Applying wisdom.  The book of Proverbs are statement of wise words, and it is the Word of God.  It is given for instruction and guidance, and is meant to be applied.  As I read this morning, there were a couple of verses I had noted in the past, that stood out again this morning as being applied in other accounts in Scripture.  This suggests that others read and were familiar with the Proverbs, and applied this wisdom to their circumstances and life.  For example, we read, “When you sit down to dine with a ruler, consider carefully what it is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you have a big appetite; don’t desire his choice food, for that food is deceptive” (Proverbs 23:1-3).  This reminds me of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, who requested not to eat the king’s choicest food while exiled to Babylon, but instead chose to eat vegetables and water (Daniel 1:8-12).  The other comes from reading that should be part of tomorrow’s reading, but I accidentally read ahead one chapter.  It states, “don’t stand in the place of the great; for it is better for him to say to you, “Come up here!” than to demote you in plain view of a noble” (Proverbs 25:6-7).  When Jesus was teaching on humility, He said something similar, “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, don’t recline at the best place, because a more distinguished person than you may have been invited by your host.  The one who invited both of you may come and say to you, ‘Give your place to this man,’ and the in humiliation you will proceed to take the lowest place” (Luke 14: 8-11).

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