So Many Answers

Tuesday June 11, 2024
So many answers.  I love the Word of God, don’t you?  We find all the answers to life’s problems, but the world will try to say that the Bible is no longer relevant.  I have heard many prayer requests for our country, and we are instructed to pray for our leaders.  As we look around, we may not all agree on what is wrong, nor on the solution, but we can agree that something is desperately wrong and culture is changing quickly.  The poor seem to be getting poorer, and the rich and powerful, seem to just be getting more rich and powerful.  Look at this passage from today’s reading, “If you see oppression of the poor and perversion of justice and righteousness in the province, don’t be astonished at the situation because one official protects another official, and higher officials protect them” (Ecclesiastes 5:8).  I don’t know about you, but this is what I am seeing, the oppression of the poor and perversion of justice and righteousness.  We are here instructed not be surprised at this.  We may think that our country is the exception, but it is not.  This can happen in our country too.  The poor that is touted to be cared about or helped are simply just being oppressed.  Making people dependent on you for food is not helping, it is making them dependent and more controllable.  Letting criminals get by with crimes is not a benefit to them, nor society.  Yet, this is what we are seeing.  And rest assured, corrupt officials are covering for each other in various offices (in our country, all three branches of government).  God knows about it all.  We must continue to pray for God is able to address it all.  There are so many answers in the Word of God.

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