The Effects of Sin

Tuesday July 2, 2024
The effects of sin.  The book of Lamentations reminds us of the terrible consequences of sin.  Convictions is a terrible feeling, but it is helpful and necessary.  Conviction causes us to seek relief, and the only relief comes from God.  Conviction teaches us to not continue in sin.  Remember, Lamentations is not written pertaining to a Gentile nation who does not know God, but a people who does know God.  Listen to the devastating effects of sin: “The elders have left the city gate, the young men, their music.  Joy has left our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning.  The crown has fallen from our head.  Woe to us, for we have sinned.  Because of this our heart is sick; because of these, our eyes grow dim” (Lamentations 5:14-17).  When sin becomes comfortable in our lives, that is when we are in the most danger.  The warning signs of conviction, ignored long enough, simply seem to go away.  As we look around, we can see the devastating effects sin is having on society and the world around us.  Oh, that God may soften our hearts again to be as sensitive to sin as the day we were first born again.

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