Valley of Dry Bones

Sunday July 14, 2024
Valley of Dry Bones.  This is one of the more remembered accounts from Ezekiel.  Yet, despite its familiarity, there is always something to glean.  I am often reminded that when Ezekiel sees all of the dry bones laying around and is asked, “can these bones live?” (Ezekiel 37:3) that Ezekiel responds with a statement of faith, “Lord God, only you know” (v.3).  It appears that God is going to cause them to live, and the instructions given to Ezekiel is to preach (prophesy) to the bones.  It was not the man speaking the words that housed the power, but the Word that was spoken.  God’s Word has the power to cause that which was dead to be brought to life!  In both accounts of action on behalf of Ezekiel, it was simply to preach (prophesy what God had commanded him to say).   Yet, there is still more to glean from this passage.  When the bones came to life, it was a vast army, and was described as the ”whole house of Israel” (v.11).  The entire house of Israel!  Had God not intervened, the entire house of Israel would have perished.  They thought their hope had perished (v.11) and they were completely cut off.  It seemed that way.  But, God did a work in that valley that only He could do, raising up a vast army from seemingly, hopeless dry bones.  God is good!

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