Heaven Rules

Monday July 29, 2024
Heaven rules.  It seems that our messages lately have been related to government leadership, otherwise known as politics.  It is an election year, but please know that I have not intentionally set out to find Scripture specific to that topic.  For instance, our sermon yesterday morning came from Isaiah 6 and it was Isaiah’s vision of seeing the Lord high and lifted up on His throne in heaven.  This happened the year King Uzziah died.  King Uzziah was a good king who God had blessed to be strong, successful, and to have a great military (2 Chronicles 26).  Is it possible that Isaiah, as well as the people, became comfortable and safe with a strong, successful leader.  However, Uzziah becomes prideful and he ultimately falls (struck with leprosy), leaving uncertainty in leadership.  Did this cause the people to worry about their nation and safety?  God reminds Isaiah, that He is the One on the throne, far above the thrones of this world.  In our reading today, we again are reminded of this truth.  Daniel interprets King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, warning him of his pride.  Twice we read that Daniel tells King Nebuchadnezzar that God, “the Most High is ruler over human kingdoms, and He gives them to anyone He wants” (Daniel 4:25, 32).  God would address the pride of this king until he acknowledged that Heaven rules (v.26).

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