Wake Up
Tuesday July 30, 2024
Wake up! The Book of Psalms is a wonderful place in God’s Word to gain daily instructions, encouragement, and help in your own prayer life. Today’s psalm is a psalm of David and was written when he was fleeing from Saul and finds himself in a cave, hiding. The psalm begins with David seeking God, asking Him to be gracious, to be a place of refuge until danger passes, and to reach down from heaven and save him (Psalm 57:1-3). Then David describes the danger he is experiencing. He is completely surrounded by trouble: devouring lions, and “people whose teeth are spears and arrows, whose tongues are sharp swords” (v.4). Then David begins to praise God. He says to let God’s name be exalted above the heavens and for His glory to be over the whole earth (v.5). David said the enemy dug a pit for him, but they fell into it (v.6). If you recall, Saul was pursuing David, thinking David would fall into his hands, but Saul fell into David’s hands. David could have struck down Saul, but, instead, he showed mercy and refused to bring harm to the king. In his praise of God, David said, “My heart is confident, God, my heart is confident. I will sing; I will sing praises. Wake up, my soul! Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn. I will praise you, Lord” (v.7-9). It is early morning that I am writing this, so it seemed appropriate to title it “Wake up!” Certainly, God has delivered us. Let us begin this day with praise that He so richly deserves.
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