Of Great Worth

Tuesday August 13, 2024
Of great worth.  I have recently heard it been said, and I’ve heard it repeatedly, that the word worship, in English, derives from the Old English word “woerthship”.  When we worship God, are we reflecting the worth of all that He is?  As we have been reading about Solomon’s temple, I have been reminded of just how much precious material went into the building of that temple.  King David was not allowed to build the temple, but he set aside much material, precious material, for the building of it.  In addition, we read that David then gave from his personal treasures of “gold and silver for the house of my God over and above all that I’ve provided for the holy house” (1 Chronicles 29:3).  King David gave and then asked the leaders “who will volunteer to consecrate himself to the Lord today” (v.5) and then the leaders gave gold, silver, and bronze willingly.  This giving of leadership caused the people to rejoice.  God was worth it and the people saw, by the giving of the leaders, the great worth of Almighty God.  It was reflected in their giving.  I should mention that there was no boasting in their giving because King David acknowledged in his prayer that they were merely giving back to God all that He had given to them.  Next we read about all of the care given into the building of the temple and of much gold used, even of its furnishings (2 Chronicles 4:19-22).  All of this for a building for an “invisible” God?  Israel knew God and this building was not what they worshipped.  This building was merely a reflection of the worth they were conveying in the God, the King of Kings, whom they worshipped.  Our worship is a reflection of the worth of the One we worship.

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