The Fear of God
Sunday September 1, 2024
The fear of God. This morning, part of our daily reading was Psalm 90. This is a psalm of Moses. It is a good reminder that while many psalms were written by David, not all of them were. If you think about Moses’s life, it is quite remarkable. His parents made efforts to save his life when all of the babies were getting killed, and God, in His providence, not only saved Moses, but made it so that is mother would get paid to nurse him. Moses grew up in Pharaoh’s house with access to all of the riches, wisdom, and power that a great nation, such as Egypt, could offer. Yet, we read that Moses refused the things of Pharaoh, choosing rather to suffer with the people of God. He did this by faith. Moses was also God’s vessel to lead the people out of Egypt to go to the Promised Land. And while Moses was not allowed to enter to the Promised Land, he continued to lead the people in their wonderings for forty years. It was this Moses that speaks about God’s “anger” (Psalm 90:7), “wrath” (v.7,9), “power” of His “anger” (v.11), and the “fear” that is due God (v.11). Moses concludes, “Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts” (v.12). God is all powerful and in control of all things. We are simply clay in the hands of the Potter. Let’s come together to praise the Lord this morning for He alone is worthy!
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